Friday, August 12, 2016

How to: start a journal

Hello friends! So with starting a blog, there comes some preparation and some planning. You may think that it's easy to just put the pen to paper and have ideas start flowing; but while the ideas may come naturally, making blog posts takes some thought. Today I'm sharing four easy ways to start journaling and have your thoughts go from your journals to your blog!

1. Don't be afraid to try something new
When first starting a blog, it may seem impossible because if you've done any research (which I suggest you do) before starting, it can seem daunting to try to come up with original topics. You may notice a lot of similarity between your page and someone's that you admire, but try not to take that too hard! If you are noticing there are too many kindred ideas, however, put your own personal spin on the topic. It's ALWAYS easier to be yourself than to try to duplicate someone else's work!

2. Anything goes
When it comes to ideas, there really are no boundaries. Your journal(s) are your own private entity that you have the freedom to do with whatever you please! If you have a random, midnight dream about an idea you think might make an interesting post, jot it down! Even if you never write about half of the things you've scribbled down, starting a list will get your creativity juices flowing which could open the doors to many more substantial ideas for the future!

3. Make it interesting
People who revisit certain blogs and/or social media sites normally do because the page they've visited sparked an interest to them and they want to keep coming back for more. In order to bring viewers to your page (and have them wanting more), take up an interest(s). People like to see other people trying new things and sharing their thoughts! Even if you try one thing and then decide it's not for you, at least you're bringing an interesting, individual perspective to the experience!

4. Get in a habit of posting
It may seem laborious to write (and edit and post) blog entries, but in order to get people to your site, and have them return week after week, you need to keep posting new material. In the world we live in today, people are constantly moving and are continuously connected to social media. Reaching out to people isn't that hard part: it's keeping the spark and the interest of your readers that's difficult! Through continuous posting, once you start a following, you shouldn't have to persuade your readers.

Side note: I am by NO MEANS an expert on the topic of journaling, blogging, or starting a major social media following. I'm a beginner too, but hopefully my words resonate with a few people and they give someone the courage to start journaling if they were looking for motivation! Thanks again for stopping by!

xo, Whitney

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